Galaxy Zoo Meet-up on Tuesday

Just a reminder (in the absence of the forum) that there’s a Galaxy Zoo meet-up in London this Tuesday. It’ll follow a lecture I’m giving as part of the Royal Astronomical Society’s Lunchtime Lecture Series at their apartments in Burlington House, Picadilly (look for the Royal Academy of Arts). The lecture begins at 1, although you might want to turn up a bit earlier to make sure you get a seat, and we’ll gather in the courtyard outside the RAS at 2 and then go and find somewhere for a late lunch. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Chris


Dr Chris Lintott, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, STFC Science and Society Fellow and co-presenter of the BBC ‘Sky at Night’ will tell the story of the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST), in orbit since 1990. This autumn, astronauts aboard the space shuttle Atlantis will carry out one of the most difficult repairs in history, with the aim of restoring the HST to full working order. Dr Lintott’s lecture will tell the HST story, and look forward to the discoveries still to be made.

The lunchtime lectures are open to everyone and take place in the newly-refurbished Burlington House, the headquarters of the RAS off Piccadilly in central London. The lectures take place at 1pm on the first Tuesday of each month from September to June and the audience can take their seats from 12.45.

About The Zooniverse

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14 responses to “Galaxy Zoo Meet-up on Tuesday”

  1. Alice says :

    Looking forward to seeing you and everyone else there, Dr Lintott. 😉 🙂 More chat about it in the temporary forum in the Cafe. Send me or Jules a message if you’re still uncertain of anything!

  2. pluk says :

    Why is the second part so dark that it’s virtually unreadble?

  3. pluk says :

    uhm, how come I seem to have submitted my previous comment about an hour before Hanny’s though the latter was already there long before I even typed the first letter of the former? 😉

  4. pluk says :

    same goes for the previous… and so on… and so forth

  5. Hanny says :

    Have fun all! Sorry I have to miss it. 😉

  6. Hanny says :

    Heh, I didn’t see your posts when I typed mine Pluk! And indeed, I was wondering about that color as well… is it copied from another site?

    What? I am posting comments to quickly???!!! (That’s what the warning message of this site says, even though it’s not true!)

  7. Hanny says :

    Okay, I see that’s sorted out now as well. It was indeed the time Pluk. 😉

  8. Hanny says :

    Oh and to get back on topic: please take a lot of pics and tell us everything when you’re all back!

  9. pluk says :

    To get right back *off*-topic (sorry), how come that when I click your name here Hanny, I get to see my own forum profile?

    That question was rethoric in that, I do know why, in fact everybody who has a profile on the Galaxyzooforum and is logged-in there now, will see her/his own profile when they click your name 😉

  10. Hanny says :

    Oh I see, copied the wrong link.

  11. Alice says :

    That’s interesting – when I click Hanny’s name I see her profile, not mine. Unless your “website” doesn’t appear automatically?

  12. Jordan says :

    It was great to meet all of you through Chris’s mobile on Tuesday! I hope I can join you all in person the next time.

  13. Alice says :

    It was such a pity I had to go so soon – it sounds like you all had such fun. I quizzed poor harrassed Chris yesterday, of course, but there was so much more to do! Next meet-up, I am going to ensure that I am not obliged to be somewhere else that evening!

  14. Stanislava says :

    And I liked, will be looking at your site.

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