Tag Archive | translation

Galaxy Zoo: Now Available In Chinese (Mandarin)

GZ MandarinWhat follows is a press release from Academia Sinica’s Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, regarding the new Mandarin Galaxy Zoo. Below is some context for English speakers and regular Galaxy Zoo users.

在可觀測宇宙散佈千億星系,許多以美麗著稱。光芒閃耀的每個星系裡,都有數十億顆恆星。新推出的「星系動物園」網站中文版,和研究星系大有關聯,不管有沒有天文背景,只要有網路,無論愛上網咖還是宅宅A咖,只花二分鐘也可參與星系分類的Galaxy Zoo計畫,自2007年以來,在英、美、歐地區成為網民科普熱門運動,已經招募87萬名星系分類員(志工),大受歡迎。原來星星可以這樣數。


從”Galaxy Zoo”到「星系動物園」,天文所推廣組表示,「兩年前就想過要做」的這個計畫,今年8月,一經天文所博士後研究Meg Schwamb再次提議,立刻獲得響應,網站中文化水到渠成,也讓台灣在全球天文學界再博得一次「亞洲第一」的小獎勵(註:目前該網站只有英文版和西語版)。推廣組表示,由於星系資料持續新增,分類員在圖像庫中撈到某個從未曾被人見過的星系,或「全球第一人」這樣的說法,確實所言不虛。

來自英國的Galaxy Zoo計畫主持人Chris Lintott表示,在網民科學網站傘狀計畫下的項目還有很多,天文類的譬如行星獵人(Planet Hunters)和火星氣候(Planet Four)。這些都必須靠各位地球人以好眼力來熱情相挺,電腦可幫不上忙。為什麼呢?歡迎上網一探究竟:http://www.galaxyzoo.org/?lang=zh


Last weekend, led by Dr. Meg Schwamb (who is part of the Planet Hunters and Planet Four teams), a team of Taiwanese astronomers helped introduced a Chinese (Mandarin) version a Galaxy Zoo to the public on the Open House Day of Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in Taiwan.

A big crowd of enthusiastic students and parents, attracted by the long queue itself, visited the ‘Citizen Science: Galaxy Zoo’ booth to try the project hands-on by doing galaxy classifications. They were excited to participate in scientific research and enjoyed it very much.

“Amazing! In just two minutes, we have helped astronomer doing their research, it’s so cool! Also, we learn new astronomical facts we never knew before. It’s a good show.”

The Education Public Outreach team of Academia Sinica’s Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (a.k.a. “ASIAA”), has helped translated Galaxy Zoo from English to Chinese (Mandarin). The main translator, Lauren Huang said, “we were keen to do a localized version for Galaxy Zoo since 2010, so when Meg brought up this nice idea again, we acted upon it at once.” In less than six weeks, it was done. The other translator, Chun-Hui, Yang, who contributed to the translation, said that she likes the website’s sleek design very much. “I think the honor is ours, to take part in such a well-designed global team work!” Lauren said.

Talking about the translation process process, Lauren provided an anecdote that she thought about giving “zoo” a very local name, such as “Daguanyuan” (“Grand View Garden”), a term with authentic Chinese cultural flavour, and is from classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. She said, “because, my personal experience in browsing the Galaxy Zoo website has been very much just like the character Ganny Liu in the classics novel. Imagine, if one flew into the virtual image database of the universe, which contains all sorts of hidden treasures waiting to be explored, what a privilege, and how little we can offer, to help on such a grandeur design?” However, the zoo is still translated as “Dungwuyuan”, literally, just as “zoo “. Because that’s what some Chinese bloggers have already accustomed to, creating a different term might just be too confusing.

You can check out the Traditional Character Chinese (Mandarin) version of Galaxy Zoo at http://www.galaxyzoo.org/?lang=zh

How to Translate Galaxy Zoo

GZ Mandarin

Not too long ago we announced that Galaxy Zoo has gone open source – along with several other Zooniverse projects. Part of that announcement was that it is now possible for anyone to translate the Galaxy Zoo website into their own language and have that pulled back into the main site. We love translation at the Zooniverse! Using GitHub (our code repository) means we can open up the translation process to everyone.

I’ve been answering a lot of emails about how this process works so I thought I would outline a tutorial here on the blog. To get started go to: https://github.com/zooniverse/Galaxy-Zoo/tree/master/public/locales and download the .json file corresponding to your language. If there is not yet one there you have two options:

  1. Clone the app locally from GitHub and run the translate.rb file in root
  2. If step 1 doesn’t make any sense then contact rob@zooniverse.org and we can create the file for you.

These JSON files are tree structures of strings in “key”: “value” pairs that contain all the translatable text on Galaxy Zoo. You need to translate just the values , which are the parts after the colon (:) shown in bold in the example chunk of the file below.

“zooniverse”: {
“browser_check”: {
“wont_work”: “This site probably won’t work until you update your browser.”,
“recommended”: “We recommend using <a href=\”http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/\” target=\”_blank\”>Mozilla Firefox</a> or <a href=\”http://www.google.com/chrome\” target=\”_blank\”>Google Chrome</a>.”,
“ie”: “If you use <a href=\”http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/\” target=\”_blank\”>Microsoft Internet Explorer</a>, make sure you’re running the latest version.”,
“chrome_frame”: “If you can’t install the latest Internet Explorer, try <a href=\”http://google.com/chromeframe\” target=\”_blank\”>Chrome Frame</a>!”,
“dismiss”: “Dismiss”

You do not translate the parts before the colon as these are the keys that are used to identify each string. so in the example you do not translate  “zooniverse”, “browser_check”, “won’t_work, “recommended”, “ie”, “chrome_frame” or “dismiss”. Here’s the Spanish version of the above segment of the file:

“zooniverse”: {
“browser_check”: {
“wont_work”: “Es probable que este sitio no funcione hasta que actualices tu navegador.”,
“recommended”: “Te recomendamos usar <a href=\”http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/\” target=\”_blank\”>Mozilla Firefox</a> o <a href=\”http://www.google.com/chrome\” target=\”_blank\”>Google Chrome</a>.”,
“ie”: “Si utilizas <a href=\”http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/\” target=\”_blank\”>Microsoft Internet Explorer</a>, asegúrate que estés usando la última versión.”,
“chrome_frame”: “Si no puedes instalar la última versión de Internet Explorer, intenta usar <a href=\”http://google.com/chromeframe\” target=\”_blank\”>Chrome Frame</a>!”,
“dismiss”: “Dismiss”

Note that any quotation marks need to be escaped i.e. ” becomes \” – these files have to be valid JSON and there is a handy online tool for validating this at http://jsonlint.com/ – here you can paste in the whole file and it will tell you where there are any formatting errors if you have any.

There is very little scope for doing language-specific formatting on the website. This means that if text is too long when it’s been translated it may run off the page or be cut-off on the screen. Because of this, you need to keep the translated strings to approximately the same length. If this causes issues let us know. To test out the translation and see how it looks, which you’re welcome to do ant any time, you can either email your current file to rob@zooniverse.org or run the Galaxy Zoo app locally by cloning it from GitHub (https://github.com/zooniverse/Galaxy-Zoo/).

We also have an email list for Zooniverse Translators. If you’d like to join it in order to ask questions of other translators and hear about other projects you might want to translate then email rob@zooniverse.org. If you are planning on doing a translation it would be worth joining the list to coordinate with other translators in your language.

NOTE: If you’re familiar with GitHub, you can clone the Galaxy Zoo repo, create a local JSON file for your language and just submit a Pull Request when you’re ready. You can find the translation-creator script here.

When your translation is complete will find find an astronomer somewhere in the world who speaks your language, in order to double-check (peer-review!) the new text and give feedback. This is done to ensure that the site is still conveying the original meaning and acts as a good error-checking mechanism.

Good luck with your translation, and thank you! Hopefully we can open up Galaxy Zoo to many more people around the world.

A Bit More on the Chinese News about Galaxy Zoo

I’m back in the UK, so I thought it would be nice to give an update on the Chinese coverage of Galaxy Zoo resulting from the big talk I gave in Beijing at the  28th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. As you know, I was invited to give one of four “Invited Discourses” at that meeting, on the topic of “A Zoo of Galaxies”. The powerpoint slides of my talk are available online. I still don’t know where/if the video of the talk has appeared online, so will update more on that soon.

As I mentioned before, an abstract of my talk (and a picture of me and one of my favourite galaxies) appeared on the front page of the first edition of “Inquiries of Heaven” (the IAU Daily Newspaper for the meeting).

(PS. The image caption should say “Former winner of IAU Fellowship” since I won it in 2008, and there have been 4 more winners since me!).

The talk also attracted a small amount of interest from Chinese press.

Kevin already posted the information that Xinhua (sort of the Chinese version of Reuters) covered it here: Astronomy Project Hunts for Chinese Helpers, (or the Chinese version); since this a news feed it got picked up by a variety of Chinese newspapers.

I was also interviewed for “Amateur Astronomer” (a Chinese astronomy magazine). Here’s the first page of the article they sent me.

And a photo they took of me right after giving my talk when they gave me the previous edition of the magazine.
I also talked with someone from Southern Weekly (a Chinese newspaper with a readership of 8 million), who published this article (in Chinese).
Finally I talked with people from China Radio International, who said they planned to run the story, but I’m not sure what came of that yet. They recorded me saying “Xin Xi Zong Dong Yuan” (our Chinese translation of “Galaxy Zoo”), and explaining (in English) what Galaxy Zoo is.

Galaxy Zoo: Hubble – Now in German

Galaxy Zoo: Hubble is now available in German! The likes of Johannes Kepler, Heinrich Olbers, Joseph von Fraunhofer and Max Planck would all no doubt be very pleased, as we’re sure they would have loved Galaxy Zoo!*


German is one of the most important cultural languages in the world. Many famous figures, such as Beethoven, Freud, Goethe, Mozart and Einstein spoke and wrote in German. It is the language of around 100 million people worldwide, not just in Germany, but in Austria, a large part of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the South Tyrol region of Italy, parts of Belgium, parts of Romania and in the Alsace region of France.

Galaxy Zoo: Hubble is proud to finally be available in German and here at Zooniverse HQ, we’re very grateful to our friends at the Center for Astronomy Education and Outreach in Heidelberg, who helped us make it happen. Since Galaxy Zoo began, German speakers have provided millions of clicks for the project and we hope that this will encourage them even more.

Auf Wiedersehen,

The Zooniverse Team

*Admittedly, this is hard to verify.

Galaktyczne Zoo Hubble po polsku!

We have just started the Polish version of the Galaxy Zoo Hubble! To get to it, hover your mouse over the small flag icon in the upper left corner of the main page. It has been a major effort. Not only new sections added for Hubble have been translated, but the whole Polish text has been carefully revised.

Otworzyliśmy polską wersję Galaxy Zoo Hubble. Aby tam dotrzeć, trzeba przejechać myszką nad ikoną z angielską flagą w lewym górnym rogu strony głównej. Oprócz tłumaczenia nowych fragmentów związanych ze zdjęciami z teleskopu Hubble’a, przy okazji, przeredagowaliśmy całą dotychczasową zawartość strony.

We think, however, that it was every bit worth the effort! Galaxy Zoo is very popular in Poland and Hubble data opens completely new doors to the Universe, so we are very happy to open them a bit wider by providing the Polish language version :).

Sporo roboty, ale naszym zdaniem było warto! Galaktyczne Zoo jest popularne w Polsce a zdjęcia z teleskopu Hubble’a otwierają zupełnie nowe możliwości, dobrze więc było udostępnić je wszystkim :).

And many thanks to Robert for preparing the excellent configuration file for translation!

Serdeczne podziękowania należą się Robertowi za przygotowanie do tłumaczenia znakomitego pliku konfiguracyjnego.

BTW, Mergers and Supernovae are available in Polish as well!

Przy okazji warto wspomnieć że oprócz Hubble’a, także Mergers i SN Hunt mają swoje polskie wersje językowe!