Hanny's Voorwerp is Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)

Great news, Hanny’s Voorwerp, the mystery blob found by Hanny, has made it to Astronomy Picture of the Day!


This is a fabulous success for all of us as the Voorwerp continues to intrigue…

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15 responses to “Hanny's Voorwerp is Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)”

  1. Waveney says :

    I think its about time the Voorwerp posts got their own category…!

  2. Georgia says :

    This is really fantastic! Don’t forget to “Digg” the APOD!! http://digg.com/space/What_is_Hanny_s_Voorwerp

  3. Tae says :

    Hanny rox!

  4. Charles says :

    What are the 7 small sharp blue dots scattered around the image?

  5. Tarquin Q. Zanzibar says :

    “What’s the white stuff above?”
    Great to see Hanny’s Voorwerp making the APOD – but what’s that curious round structure above it? Are these things common? πŸ˜‰

  6. Alice says :

    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. Mark says :

    Yea! Hanny.. or should I now say Honey. So to say your name correctly I pronounce it like I would when I say Honey? If so wow. You future husband in using your name would always being saying it in terms of endearment. Does that mean you win every argument the two of you have if you can get him to say you name? πŸ˜€

  8. Hanny says :

    Haha, well Mark, my name is Hanny, but that indeed sounds like ‘honey’. However, it doesn’t have the same meaning in Dutch I’m afraid… πŸ˜€

  9. GwydionM says :

    Very nice. But in this picture, it looks rather like a green genie with arms extended

  10. GES says :

    Congrats Hanny!
    I didn’t realize until yesterday’s APOD that “voorwerp” meant “object.” I thought you invented it so it would feel at home in the Galaxy Zoo! πŸ™‚

  11. Alice says :

    I’d love to see APOD explain why you didn’t write “What’s the green stuff below?” . . .

  12. Half65 says :

    Go Hanny

  13. Joseph K. H. Cheng says :

    Congratulations, Hanny for your VOORWERP to make APOD !

  14. Dan D. Gutierrez says :

    There is a cool write-up in Science News, July 19, 2008 issue about Hanny’s Voorwerp. It includes a nice image of the massive spiral galaxy IC 2497 and the mystery blob, a quasar’s radiance, or light echo that is ricocheting off the galaxy (called “blue banana”).

    The article say that Hanny van Arkel will receive honorary coauthor status to credit her for first drawing attention to the object. Is this true?



  15. Mr. Trout says :

    Congrats, Hanny! Everyone here in the States thinks this is awesome! Do you have a boyfriend?

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