Win a Signed Comic Book

With the launch of the comic ‘Hanny and the mystery of the Voorwerp’, we’re also launching a competition. So here’s your chance to win a copy of the book, signed by Hanny!

What you need to do: take a good look at the page published below – it’s one of the pages from the comic – and answer the following question: This scene might have happened in the real world as well as the comic – except for one thing. What is it?

All answers (serious and/or creative) can be sent in by commenting on this blog. (Note that the first set of books will have this page in it, but the improved page is already ready to be seen by the world too.)

Good luck!


About The Zooniverse

Online citizen science projects. The Zooniverse is doing real science online,.

51 responses to “Win a Signed Comic Book”

  1. Alice says :

    The little black creature that could be a cat or dog, should be a rather large Alsation?

  2. lizardly says :

    The word “starts” appears twice in a row.

  3. lizardly says :

    Also Hanny’s red guitar has a black pick guard, not white.

  4. lizardly says :

    This page has her as a blonde but her hair is darker in the so-called real world.

  5. lizardly says :

    The pick guard is all wrong. Her guitar at
    has the bridge below the upper half of the pick guard, and shows a more rounded body shape of the guitar.

    Her guitar has 3 pickups and a larger pick guard. The cartoon guitar is all wrong.

  6. Jean Tate says :

    The stars in the sky – above the ‘horizon’, behind the tree, etc – continue into the grass (the stars in the darker patches, mostly bottom right, may be artistic license).

  7. zutopian says :

    In reality, it wasn’t a musician’s blog, but a musician’s book, I think.

  8. rick says :

    On the laptop, Galaxy Zoo is clearly displayed. Yet GZ is on the web, and it is hard to see where a wifi connection would be in the countryside. Hanny also has white eyes, which is odd.

  9. rick says :

    The Voorwerp has been given a male identity: “to reveal his secrets”. This has not been information published until now!

  10. Aida Berges says :

    Zutopian, it is a musician’s blog. Dr. Brian May, astrophysicist, composer and guitar player for the band Queen.

  11. lisa says :

    her foot is on the wrong leg – the innerside of the foot faces out – should be opposite

  12. michelle says :

    the guitar has no strings?

  13. michelle says :

    lol my 10 year old just told me electric guitars dont have strings where i was looking for them – doh 😛

  14. gef says :

    The constellations?

  15. Aroel says :

    The fact that Hanny is lying on a patch of green grass reminiscent of the voorwerp, floating in outer space?

  16. Elii says :

    She’s so high on galaxyzoo she has no pupils.

  17. Tsering says :

    If a patient came in to see me with eyes like that, I would be seriously worried for them! :-))

  18. voyager1682002 says :

    The colour at the lower right hand corner is different. It looks like she is lying under a bright light.

  19. voyager1682002 says :

    I forgot to mention that there are stars at the lower right hand corner as well.

  20. Dick Stada says :

    The cat should be replaced by her dog. Often mentioned in publicity about Hanny. But I like this cat more…

  21. Dina says :

    The grass and the tree,girl and the cat can’t be attached or over the stars.

  22. Richard says :

    The stars are reflecting from a small, still pond to her left., and she made a screen shot of Galaxy Zoo into the background page of her laptop. And while that could slip into the water, under the bright and colorful stars of night details like hair color and guitar strings become softer and less real.

  23. Jiri Cejka says :

    Cat’s eyes in a real world cannot glow, as light level from starry sky is low. Only bright light, reflected by cat’s retina, can be seen as a glow.

  24. derek says :

    The stars are too bright and too many are showing. In the Netherlands light pollution would mean that the sky would be to bright to see so many stars.

  25. derek says :

    Also it appears to be moonlit which would also reduce the apparent brightness of the stars

  26. laadoc says :

    Is the “cat” a habitant of a” Voorwerp World”?

  27. Lance says :

    She’s floating in outer space…..

  28. hanny fanny says :

    The laptop has far too many keys (I guess there must be some kind of zooniverse-shortcut-keys on it). This kind of Keyboard will only be developped in the future.

  29. Michael says :

    The stars should appear to be point sources and would not have such large diameter nor the crosses that might appear near gas clouds.

  30. beth says :

    i think its that she seems to be lying on a patch of grass in outer space!

  31. Ron says :

    The tree continues outside the the top of the frame.

    I don’t think electric guitars run on batteries.

  32. Waldo3 says :

    Apart from the art work, bad drawing proportions and the like, the world of the drawing is two dimensional whereas the real world requires a third dimension for the event to “happen”..

  33. astro boy says :

    I think she is so romantic in fact sky beauties may drive her crazy
    im from iran an astro lover its honor of me that you visit our weblog @
    tnx by

  34. Frin63 says :

    The guitar seems to miss the bridge to attach the strings to, it only has pick-up elements. This would be a problem because the strings (assuming their are attached on the other end) would have to continue to run into the infinite universe. Moreover the tension on the strings would launch the guitar out of the scene towards the stars in the background!

  35. lizardly says :

    So did I win an autographed comic or not?

  36. karebear1012 says :

    I’m going to have to go with the fact that Hanny’s Voorwerp would not have been visible just skywatching, and is the Voorwerp masculine (his secrets)?

  37. kat langford says :

    Perhaps being in a different galaxy affects the way light enters their atmosphere thereby affecting the color of eyes. The cat’s eyes are a different color than the young lady’s eyes.

  38. hayeside says :

    The cat is a female British Blue. They have thew sharp pointed ears clearly seen and are avid sky watchers. usually grey, so suspect reflection from laptop is catching fur and darkening towards deep blue (hence British Blue) !

  39. Marcia Jacobs says :

    In the real world words do not float in a bubble above us.

  40. willman says :

    her mouth is no open even though she is speaking

  41. willman says :

    the tree has only 2 demensions

  42. willman says :

    there are words in the grass

  43. amgillard says :

    Dressed like that, it would have to be summer, but in summer under a tree that big, the girl would be unable to see much of the sky at all in the direction she is looking … they would be hidden behind the canopy of leaves.

  44. Chris Kirkland says :

    Hanny wanted to do something meaningful with her life, this lead her to teaching. I am sure she would not pass up the chance to be a rock star though 🙂

  45. Andreas Apfler says :

    This is Rory Gallagher°s Stratocoaster.

  46. Kat says :

    It says curiosity leads to amazing places but she is with a cat…..we all know that curiosity killed the cat in the real world

  47. José Gonçalves says :

    Two things in fact.
    One: what’s it in the sky so bright to illuminate the girl?
    Second: It seems a summer night, so the tree has leaves. How can she sees the sky behind the leaves?

  48. wallisandgrommit says :

    Tims moves on in the real world… can stand still or move at any required speed in the comic world. The difference between fact and fiction.

  49. Hanny says :

    Hahaha very nice and creative answers! Well done everyone! We haven’t forgotten; as soon as I get the copy to sign, we’ll announce a winner! 😉

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