Kevin and Jordan at AAS

Here is another photo from the AAS meeting last week. Georgia Bracey took this photo, catching Kevin and I in the act of working during the reception before the opening of the International Year of Astronomy:

Kevin and Jordan at the IYA reception 

What can I say? I was curious about the peas, and Kevin had some results to show me.

After this photo was taken, Kevin shut down the laptop and we went back to drinking our free Sierra Nevada Galileo Ale. The opening of the International Year of Astronomy was great, featuring a live stream from the Cincinatti Observatory (through UStream – the video loads slowly, but it’s worth it), the premiere of a documentary called 400 Years of the Telescope, and the opening of the International Year of Astronomy island in Second Life. 2009 promises to be an exciting year in astronomy!

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13 responses to “Kevin and Jordan at AAS”

  1. Pat says :

    You both look like you had a really great time. 😀

  2. elizabeth says :

    Very nice picture you both look like you are having a great time.

  3. Alice says :

    Hehehehe – you do look happy. Are you wanting captions for this too?

  4. Hanny says :

    Great picture! Thanks for sharing! 😀 😉

  5. Jordan says :

    Thanks! We did have a great time at AAS, and we’re really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the New York meetup. Hopefully we can get a linkup going with Astrofest too.

    Caption suggestions for the photo are welcome!

  6. Alice says :

    “Let there always be peas, starlight and laughter” 😀

  7. Joseph K. H. Cheng says :

    A great start to the International Year of Astronomy. Hope there will be more exciting discoveries in the ZOO.

  8. weezerd says :

    “….and this is how you open an Apple”

  9. Hanny says :

    😀 lol Weez!

  10. Karl Craig-West says :

    Just found this site and I’m very impressed.

    Keep up the great work.

  11. Hanny says :

    Welcome to the Zoo, Karl. 😉

  12. weezerd says :

    Don’t forget to invite peepz who can’t attend in real life, to join in the cyber-party/virtual link-up!

  13. miko says :

    yeah it looks funny 🙂

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