Galaxy Zoo motivation study paper accepted!

Our paper on the motivations of Galaxy Zoo users has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy Education Review! Now that the paper has been accepted, I have posted it on the arXiv system. Head on over and read it if you’re interested in hearing more about the interviews we did with some of you to learn what makes Galaxy Zoo appeal to you. I wrote a summary of the paper for this blog a while back, but now you can read the paper itself.

The paper should appear in the Galaxy Zoo Library in the forum soon, and Pamela, Georgia, or I would be glad to answer any questions you have about the paper there. The next step in this research is to analyze the data from the survey that many of you took, and we’re working on that step now. Updates on that will come soon. Thanks to my lovely co-authors, and of course to all of you, without whom this none of this research would be possible!

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About The Zooniverse

Online citizen science projects. The Zooniverse is doing real science online,.

12 responses to “Galaxy Zoo motivation study paper accepted!”

  1. geebers says :

    Good job, folks!

    Some of the data seems a bit “loose”, but it makes for good sociology in an area that doesn’t seem to have much serious research in, yet.

    The future papers concerning this topic promise to be fascinating, if these studies are continued.

  2. Adrianus V says :

    So this is some kind of psychological inquiry into the volunteers of galaxy zoo? ‘Why are you participating with GZ?’ Very interesting. I’m certainly going to read that paper. Thanx!

  3. Hanny says :

    Way to go 😀

  4. Waveney says :

    It is in the library now

  5. Joseph K. H. Cheng says :

    A great paper, TEAM. Congratulations ! It is the first paper about Zooites’ behaviour, isn’t it ?


  6. Thomas says :

    Great news Jordan. 🙂

    Well done guys

  7. Jo says :

    I have just read the paper, very interesting. Well done!

  8. zeus2007 says :

    Fantastic. That’s what I love about this site, everything about it is so cool.

  9. Alice says :

    Woohoo! This is the way we are changing the human world as well as the astronomical one. 8)

  10. Jordan says :

    Thanks, everybody! We are very excited about having this paper accepted. Alice, we agree – part of what makes the Zoo so much fun is that we are making real contributions in many areas of science. Joseph, yes, this the first paper about the Zooites. We have another one in the analysis stage.

    Geebers, there is almost no research in this area, so we are certainly breaking new ground. As you saw, we talked about a few other studies in section 3, but those were mostly about environmental science projects that involved people collecting data in the field.

  11. geebers says :

    Ah… I suspected that. Thank you for confirming that for me (or better: the rest of us), Jordan. I’m very happy with this paper. %^)

  12. No_limits53 says :

    But in order to make this point, one need not deny that language is for communication, or claim that it could just as easily be thought of as being for inner speech. ,

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