Galaxy Zoo Science Wordl

I’ve given a couple of public talks recently on results on galaxy evolution from Galaxy Zoo (at the Hampshire Astronomical Group, and the Winchester Science Festival) and one of the things I like to point out is the quantity and variety of science results we’re getting out. To illustrate that I made the below wordl of words appearing in the abstracts of all the peer reviewed science papers the Galaxy Zoo science team have put out.

This is based on the 30 papers about astronomical objects submitted up until July 2012. I just missed Brooke’s first financial reform paper submitted by a day or two, and I love that this was out of date just as soon as I made it. 🙂

I realise I should sort out things like per cent – percent, and galaxy, Galaxy, galaxies technically being the same thing. But still I think it’s interesting to look out.

About karenlmasters

Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Haverford College, USA. Principle Investigator for Galaxy Zoo. Enjoys using radio telescopes and trying to make sure some spectrum remains open for the future. Busy having fun doing astronomy!

One response to “Galaxy Zoo Science Wordl”

  1. sylverone says :

    You’ve got a typo in your title. 😉

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