A Galaxy Zoo update for 2014

Exciting news for everyone who has been helping to classify (and discuss) the new images added to Galaxy Zoo just a couple of months ago. Back in October, we added two new sets of images to Galaxy Zoo: infrared images of galaxies from the UKIDSS survey, and optical images of galaxies that were processed to make them artificially redshifted (appear as if they were much further away). The second set is critically important for the data from GZ: Hubble and the CANDELS project; we need this to properly calibrate the classifications for effects like changing resolution and surface brightness as a function of distance.

An example of an artificially-redshifted galaxy from Galaxy Zoo.

An example of an artificially-redshifted galaxy from Galaxy Zoo.

As of last week, we’re excited to announce that the classifications of the artificially redshifted galaxies have been finished! They’ll now be retired from active classification, and we’re excited to start working on the analysis right away to enable the science we want to do on high-redshift galaxies. In the meantime, please keep your classifications coming for both the SDSS and UKIDSS images on Galaxy Zoo. There’s plenty left to do, although we’re getting closer with your help!

About Kyle Willett

Kyle Willett is a postdoc and astronomer at the University of Minnesota. He works as a member of the Galaxy Zoo team, and gets to study galaxy morphology and evolution, AGN, blazars, megamasers, citizen science engagement, and many other cool things.

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