Welcome to the Zooniverse

You’ll notice the blog looks more than a little different today; we’ve given it a more modern and flexible style and incorporated our twitter stream, so that you can keep up with all the news in one place.

The changes are part of the launch of the Zooniverse the new home for Galaxy Zoo and the other projects we’re developing. There won’t be any changes to Galaxy Zoo itself – apart from the small banner at the top of the page – so you’re welcome to just continue classifying galaxies, colliding galaxies, or hunting supernovae.

If you fancy a break, though, you can find the Zooniverse here, or read more about the launch on the new Zooniverse blog.


About The Zooniverse

Online citizen science projects. The Zooniverse is doing real science online,.

11 responses to “Welcome to the Zooniverse”

  1. Tim McCormack says :

    I notice that the site does not actually have links to the Galaxy Zoo site proper.

  2. Elisabeth Baeten says :

    Love the Zooniverse !
    But what about the ‘Barred Spirals’ project ! 🙂

  3. Gwydion Williams says :

    Neater and more convenient. Congratulations

  4. elizatbeth says :

    Indeed what about the ‘Barred Spirals’ project?

  5. caroline says :

    hi i’m new to galaxy zoo but i have no idea how to create an account…

  6. Mike B says :

    Galaxy zoo is great fun, and it is also very satisfying to help discover our Universe.
    Thank you Dr Michael Zielick , where ever you are, “sorry for any name misplelling” for giving me a life long love of Astronomy some 35 years ago as a UNM undergrad..

  7. kcranley says :

    How do get started hunting supernovae?

  8. Joseph K. H. Cheng says :

    This is an interesting and welcome break from the more formal Galaxy Zoo proper.Thanks, GALAXY ZOO TEAM for organizing this retreat.


  9. Allison says :

    Zooniverse is awsome! I love how I can see all my favorite galaxies. Especialy when they’re the nice ones

  10. Allison says :

    To kcranley:
    You just go to zooniverse.org or .com (I’m not sure if it’s .org or .com),scroll down and click hunting supernove. Then when you click on log in just type in your
    username and password from galaxy zoo. You can use these instructions for other zooniverse projects. But just click on any of the projects you want to work on.

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